- European Associations of Corporate Treasurers
- International Group of Treasury Associations
- AFRICA - Ivory Coast (IVO)
- AUSTRIA - Austrian Association of Corporate Financial Executives (ASCT)
- BELGIUM - Association des Tresoriers d'Entreprises en Belgique (ATEB)
- CANADA - Treasury Management Association of Canada (TMAC)
- CZECH REPUBLIC - Ceska Asociace Treasury (CAT)
- DENMARK - Danish Association of Corporate Treasurers (DACT)
- FINLAND - Finnish Association of Corporate Treasurers (FACT)
- FRANCE - Association Française des Trésoriers d'Entreprise (AFTE)
- GERMANY - Gesellschaft für Finanzwirtschaft in der Unternehmensführung e.V (GEFIU)
- HONG KONG - The Hong Kong Association of Corporate Treasurers (HKACT)
- HUNGARY - Hungary Treasury Club (HTC)
- IRELAND - The Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers (IACT)
- ITALY - Associazione Italiana Tesorieri d' Impresa (AITI)
- JAPAN - Japan Association for CFO (JACFO)
- KOREA - Korea Association for CFOs (KCFO)
- LUKSEMBOURG - Association des Tresoriers d' Entreprise a Luxembourg (ATEL)
- MALAYSIA - Malaysian Association of Corporate Treasurers (MACT)
- NETHERLAND - Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers
- NEW ZEALAND - Institute of Finance Professionals New Zealand Inc. (INFINZ)
- POLAND - Polish Corporate Treasurers Association (PCTA)
- SINGAPORE - Association of Corporate Treasurers Singapore (ACTS)
- SLOVAKIA - Slovak Association of Finance and Treasury (SAF)
- SOUTH AFRICA - Association of Corporate Treasurers of South Africa (ACTSA)
- SPAIN - Spanish Association of Financial Managers and Company Treasurers (ASSET)
- SWEDEN - Swedish Association of Corporate Treasurers (SACT)
- UNITED KINGDOM (BRISTOL) - Society of International Treasurers (SIT)
- UNITED KINGDOM (LONDON) - The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT)
- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Association of Financial Professionals (AFP)